Tuesday, September 7, 2010

little update!

Cute little girl in a swim suit...she didn't get in the water though.
Alexis wants her picture taken with Megan daily.
Oh the fun of having a tiny baby and a 4 year old. I still feel like all I do is nurse this girl, she loves the milky. Alexis is emotional when she gets in trouble for waking the baby up...probably because she is just trying to kiss her and has good intentions but anything that wakes this girl up is bad. She is a great sleeper at night but during the day, if you haven't noticed the lack of posts since her birth, she takes cat naps. 15 or 30 minutes here and there are normal. I try so hard to get at least one long one during the day. She still screams if she is even the tiniest bit hungry and we put her in the car seat. The smiles this baby gives out make up for it though. She coos and goos, giggles and sqeuls. She loves big sister and daddy, but is totally a mommy's girl...not just cause of the milky either! Alexis is over the moon excited about starting school. Last week she packed a lunch and her back pack, with toys and clothes, and announced she was ready to go and to hurry so we wouldn't be late. Britt has a new hobby, bow and arrows and hunting. He has set up a hay bail target and is learning to call elk. He really wants to get an elk this year, I hope he does even if it isn't my favorite meat...maybe he can go cow hunting, haha! As soon as I get our pictures I will post them!!! I am so excited. We copied you Leslie and ventured into the water...except we did it in the summer and the water was warmer. I just want to get in some reading time. I haven't read a book since Megan was born and I feel off. Ok well I have read the scriptures, just no pleasure reading.

1 lil' notes:

Chastina said...

Glad to hear that everyone is adjusting. I hope you are getting a couple naps in during her naps.