It has been a few days and I think I have come to the point where I can now safely talk about this. I still would really appreciate it if all of those who love us wouldn't ask us questions since we are still learning and will learn more in a few weeks. With that said I am eternally grateful that seeing a midwife provided me with the opportunity to see a specialist for my ultra sound. Had I not seen Dr. Maslow there is an extremely high chance that we would not have caught this and it could have sealed a very sad outcome to this pregnancy. I have found out that though statistically speaking it is not reported as often as it really happens because many babies are born without incident. The only cases reported in statistics are those found before birth. I am still very scared and upset that the plan that Britt and I so carefully thought about is most likely not going to happen in anyway. I love Nancy though as a care giver and we will still see her through this along with Dr. Maslow....who gets 2 of the best caregivers during a pregnancy?
Ok so our sweet little girl has a Velamentous Cord. It is a condition where the umbilical cord implants somewhere other then the middle of the placenta. This can be especially dangerous depending on that placement. Ours is at the edge, not as dangerous as some (some implant way off the placenta and/or across the cervix) and luckily my placenta is higher up and not close to my cervix. This is very dangerous during birth, it is like baby is growing in there with a little bomb and going into labor, water breaking and contractions can cause a vein to burst and death before the doctors even know what is happening. We will be having many ultrasounds over the next few weeks until they determine the baby is safe to deliver. They also are going to do an amniocentesis on the 17th. I am petrified as I hear it hurts and there is a risk for miscarriage. The reason we didn't have one on Monday, they like to do them before week 20 for situations like ours, is because we said that we are going to carry this baby as far as we can and so he put it further out to lessen the risk of miscarriage. I know that you will all forgive us for not running home and calling or telling you all. Monday was a very raw and emotional day for us and it is slowly getting a bit easier to handle. (Jenn this is why I am going to chill on the walks Britt and I decided that light duty is a must for me until little girl is born). I really wish time would speed by and that I can know how this is all going to happen. Most likely I will have to have a c-section and earlier then my due date. I will do anything to protect this girly and if that means I have to have the complete opposite of what I want for my birth plan then so be it. I actually feel better typing this out like I am passing some of the burden on to all who read this.
Finding out that this baby is a girl has been very different then what I thought it would be like, maybe finding out that there are problems lessened the joy and enthusiasm. That is why we didn't tell anyone until Tuesday what she was, we where still reeling with what it all means. We have a long and bumpy 20 weeks, take a few, to go and I am sure that you will all find me a basket case at some point. Every time I feel her move it is just amazing because I know we made it just a bit further. I think she knows my thoughts because when ever I start to wonder how she is doing, she moves and I know it is just for me. Life is full of ups and downs and I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and will help my through this. We are asking that you all please pray for a positive outcome. I think this will be the longest 4 months in my life.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
8 lil' notes:
Oh Crystal & Britt!! What a whirlwind you have been through. You all will be in our prayers. All our love to you guys!!
PS Don't you fret a bit about anyone else. Take care of yourself and follow your heart.
I pray that you will have a safe pregnancy!
You are all in my prayers, every minute of the day and night. The Lord loves you and so do I. Keep me posted on what I can DO to help.
I too will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. The Lord knows how long awaited this little girl is and how loved she is already and I believe He will reach out His hand in your time of need. I send you all my love!
I too will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. The Lord knows how long awaited this little girl is and how loved she is already and I believe He will reach out His hand in your time of need. I send you all my love!
I'm so sorry to hear this news. You (and your baby girl) will be in my prayers
Crystal, we are keeping you guys in our prayers - you just say the word & I will come get Alexis for you - Ella would LOVE it too. Get lots of rest!
Crystal i hope you know if you need someone to talk to im here.. Me&keven can truly re-late keep positive trust me the docs are not always right kaydin is a living proof of that! me&keven love you guys very much and you&britt have always been in our prayers
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