Sometimes I feel really overwhelmed by Alexis and her social interactions with other children and I know that other parents call Alexis a bully and are marking her as a bad kid. I know that you do, because I would too. I just want to express that Britt and I work very hard at trying to teach her that it isn't ok to bite and push kids down. I do have comfort in that most older mom's that I talk to say their children have all done the same thing... all kids go through phases of biting, hitting, scratching, pushing and many other things that embarrass us as parents. I guess I just am upset because Alexis is an amazing girl and has the funniest personality. She captures every one's attention everywhere we go. She is always dancing and singing(even in the shower, it really is the cutest). She copies everything you do only way cuter, she runs and jumps and plays. She has the most infectious laugh especially when she is playing with daddy. Alexis is a choice daughter of Heavenly Father I can feel it every time I look at her, I know that she has a special place with him. She has a special purpose here on Earth and will be a great missionary. When people meet her even for a minute they all love her and I know that she will be a great leader one day. I feel sad that anyone would label her as a bully. Now no body has said this to me I just get that impression. I hope that everyone who has a child that Alexis has injured in someway sees that she is not even 2 yet and most experts agree that she can't be a bully yet....Even though we think she is incredibly smart. I found this article beneficial and I hope you can understand that we are trying to teach her right and that she is still a baby herself regardless of how tall or talkative she is. . Well I guess I will go know... just wanted to help ease my mind that everyone knows that we are working with her.
5 lil' notes:
We love Alexis no matter what!
It's so hard to watch your kids do something you don't approve of, no matter what it is. Alexis is a sweetheart and I know you and Britt are great parents who are teaching her to be a good person. You're doing a good job, don't let anyone make you feel different and Alexis is priceless!!!
i think shes sweet!
Oh my gosh! Not even!~ I totally know what you are talking about. I felt that way with Hattie and Josie. My sister in law named josie "the claw" cause she always used to scratch my nephew! Don't worry what others think! You just love her and she will learn!
Hey I have a really good parenting technique that I know will stop any misbehavior. I don't know if you are interested; I don't want to give unsoliciated parenting advise...but it took me years before I figured this out and it works! I use it with all three of my kids. Thats right; even Rachel. Let me know if you are interested......
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