Thursday, September 27, 2007

1 Year Check Up

Well she had her well baby visit today. She is 31.75 in length (86%) and 22 pounds. The doctor is concerned because last week she was 22 pounds 11 ounces. She has been really picky about food though and getting a molar. So she wants her back in 2 months to make sure she is gaining still. So her food issues continue today, gave her a sandwich and she smashed it all over the table threw it on the floor and wanted down. I don't know what to do with her! Anyways she was very unhappy with me because I wouldn't let her play with the keyboard so she throw a tantrum. Then when they gave her 3 shots she cried so hard, but mommy was smart and brought her laughing hippo for her to hug and that helped a bunch, she held it all the way home. She was so cute. But the aftermath of these shots so far has not been bad. Last time she cried hysterically for hours and then didn't move at all if she didn't have to for 24 hours. She hasn't cried just been a tad clingy.

Then after her nap she put my 20 day new cell phone in the dogs water bowl. It had to be replaced. Lucky for us Verizon was generous and let me buy a new phone for $50 they were going to have me buy a new battery for $50 and give a re-furbished phone but gave me the first option we took it. My new phone in the end cost us $100. So that is my daily saga.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New paint

So I finally got a picture of our house sporting it's new color and hardware! I had Britt put up the new light before he went to work since he was going to be home late. We will get the trim donesoon (You can't tell to bad that we got green on the white!).

Also look at this girl and then ask yourself does anyone sleep when she is in bed with you? She fell asleep this morning while drinking her bottle so we left her!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


She has an ear infection. Poor baby, they put her on the antibiotic for re-accuring infections. But she is doing so much better. She slept through the night last night. So we are all a bit happier today! I got a new front porch light and new house numbersand new blinds for the last uncovered window! I am so excited for Britt to put them up. The light has a motion sensor and light sensor. So we can set it to come on every night or just when you walk on the porch. I guess I truly am a house mom when stuff like this excites me.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Birthday party

She didn't get a token in this because she is afriad of them when they move!

We went to Chucky Cheese tonight! What a fun time. We got a total of 630 tickets!!! So Alexis picked out a baby doll and a new bib. She was dancing with the mouse and walking all around. She is cutting a mollar so very subdued. When we got home she was burning up with a 103 fever. Poor baby she is just not getting these teeth very well. I just hope it doesn't turn into another ear infection. Daddy gave her a blessing so we will see in the morning how she is.

Friday, September 14, 2007

My what a day

OK so I will take pics tomorrow when it is daylight.... but Erin, Stephanie and I rock the painting thing. So we started painting around 1 this afternoon. and we got the whole back side and the North side 3/4 done by 3:30. The awesome part is that we had 6 kids to take care of. Well OK Alexis was taking a nap. Only 3 of the kids got paint on them too! For the side of the house Erin and I were holding the babies! We rock and a special shout out to Stephanie and Erin for helping and to the kiddos who let us do it without major problems! I am just excited because it is almost done! We will probably do the trim work a little at a time though, but we are keeping it white so it will be fine!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

You have to click on and make it real will just make you laugh!

So I put the girl to bed for a nap, So she was real quiet and I decided to check on her. This is what I found... the pink stuff is supposed to be draping the outside of her crib not be inside. She was sitting in the middle of the carnage, but stood up before I got back in there with the camera! That's our girl hamming it up!

Grandma Shirley got Alexis' Afghan done and gave it to her! She loves it, it is yellow, green and pink to match her room! Thank you Grandma.
She is holding it up so we can see and then she laid on it to snuggle!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Well we went to the Puyallup Fair on friday. All of us got in free so that was a great start to the day. We looked at animals and ate onion burgers, cotton candy and had a good time. Alexis was a peach and didn't fuss at having to be in stroller! Oh and Britt crashed our car. He backed it into a cement poll (you know the ones that keep cars of the side walks, well they work!). I don't have any pics because I was to upset to think about that. He was able to push the bumper back out but it is cracked, the door is a bit bent. Oh and Alexis and Mallori were in the car, Alexis wasn't buckled in at all and Mallori's car seat wasn't buckled in yet. So both babies have been in a car accident. Crazy. Now for the good stuff Pictures of Alexis....

notice the hair. She took her pig tails out and then had crazy hair!

Isaac, Alma, Alexis, Malachi and Mallori


Wow what a fun Sunday evening. First of all we taught Alexis to sign "please" in one day! She is the smartest girl. Then Kate and I played badminton against Erin and Lisa and won. We won even on the side that you can't see the birdie because of the light! OK so I am sure that they will want a rematch during the day, but I think we are prepared for that!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Just some thoughts

Funny how things end. I had two baby showers to attend today. I asked Britt if he would take the baby so I could have some time away and just enjoy. Well I really missed her. She is so cute and funny and I missed her. I did enjoy not having to do the mom duties at the parties, but again I missed her cutie pie self. I would love to say she missed me, who knows she doesn't speak grown up yet. She is talking baby so much, saying lots of sounds all squished together. I love it when she says momma. So I finally got her to sleep after her cousins left. I love when she snuggles me. I ask her all the time to just cuddle and she insists on getting down to play. Oh well I knew it would happen. I guess I am just happy to be a momma. I think all you mom's out there should know that you are the best.