Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bunk bed

We got lucky today! We have been scouring Craigslist trying to find a bed frame for Alexis. Everything was way to expensive and junk. So for a year her mattress and box spring and been on the floor, she didn't care but I did. I think she was colder being that close to the floor. My parents being on a mission for the Seattle Mission are in charge of housing and setting up apartments. They have had a huge influx in donations to the mission and the storage units are full and so are garages. They had a bunk bed set that they couldn't get in and 1 mattress. The mission said to donate it to the DI. My parents thought that we might be able to use it and of course we jumped on it. The mattress is way nicer then the one we bought for Alexis, but also thicker. We are going to get a bunk bed board and switch mattress. She loves it, she also wants to sleep and play on the top so we turned the ladder to the wall. I am happy that she has a bed and that it was FREE. She was worried a bit that the top bed was going to fall on her so I expect her to come in our room tonight scared. I took a picture and will load it tomorrow.

2 lil' notes:

Jenn said...

Man wish I could find a free bed for Ashlee!!!!!!

Chastina said...

Love free stuff!