Monday, June 30, 2008
Chenuis Falls hike
this is what is was supposed to look like(we have been there before and it was beautiful) This time it was amplified 100%! Maybe we will try it again later when the melt off is chilled out! If you want a hike with a good wide smooth road for most of the hike then choose this one, beware the road has been really damaged at one part and so you have to hike in the full 3.7 miles and then back out so not a quick one and as we found out the log bridges across the river can wash out anytime! I will post pictures tomorrow!
Friday, June 27, 2008
What a week!
1. ER is where sick people go: chance of getting something else
2. long hours of waiting: if we get there by 11pm we may not even get seen until 2am and who knows how long until we get home
3. complete sleep loss and a baby running around a germ filled hospital
4. same day clinic opens at 8 and is only 5 minutes from home; hospital is 30 minutes
5. While looking for Urgent care places Alexis fell asleep
So we took her home and had 2 to 3 hour stretches of sleep and then she would wake up for a few minutes and cry; Britt totally was my hero. My superman took charge of her last night and let me get sleep. Alexis at one point was in our bed and side ways on Britt's pillow so he came out on the couch, Alexis woke up and came out here to find him it was funny. OK so she woke up at 6:30 I think and she was happy and smiling; but I was not deceived she still didn't want to eat much. I got us both ready to go and was at the clinic right at 8 and was the 3rd person there(A guy from our ward was there so I even had someone to talk to)! Alexis was sound asleep and I had to wake her to weigh her, after that she let the doctor check her breathing, heart, tummy ears and mouth. She was really concerned about her tonsils she said they were huge and ordered a strep test. She also said that she had an ear infection(first time for the left ear). The doctor looked at the rash behind her knees and said it was eczema and asked me if she had any breathing problems. So I explained the coughing after running around and how she wheezes, but the last doctor we saw wouldn't diagnose her with asthma until she was 2. This doctor said that with her sensitive skin and the breathing problems I described that I already had my diagnoses....ASTHMA, she gave us a referral to a pediatric pulmonary specialist. I am relieved because I knew she had a problem and was frustrated that he gave me a wimpy albuteral inhaler and that it isn't strong enough to stop an attack it just helps lesson it by a little. So after playing ring-a-round-the-rosies, making all the animals sounds she knows, singing songs, looking for birds out the window and playing hide and go seek, by the way Alexis thinks that facing the wall is a great hiding spot, she doesn't have strep throat just tonsillitis and the doctor said that it was probably due to the ear infections and she is not contagious. We where there for 1 hour and 15 minutes and Alexis was marvelously well behaved. We got her prescription filled and she was really good in Walmart for the 20 minutes that it took. The only fight we had from her all day was giving her the antibiotic; it took both of us and it was a nightmare. She fought us with every single drop of that darn stuff. 9 more days and then we will be a much happier family! Alexis is asleep in her own bed so hopefully she stays there too.
Bob and Shannon got sealed today and it was a great ceremony, the reception was nice and we got to catch up with friends we have seen in awhile. We also got to meet Bryce, Jonathon and Melanie's son, he is super cute and lots of fun. It has been a full week and tomorrow we all get to bake away while the mercury is climbing into the 90's, our pool isn't set up yet so yes if you talked to me you would hear whining. Going to go to bed and cross my fingers she sleeps!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
So tired
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
My Dad
Britt has so much love for us and would do anything in his power to keep us safe. I love how gently he is with Alexis and even that he isn't afraid to wrestle her. Alexis always loves it when daddy comes home because he lets her jump on the bed, scream in the house and eat whatever she wants. He always has her laughing and they play hide and go seek, and is just silly with her. He is a great husband too. I am so grateful for the father that he is and will become as the years go by. Happy Father's day Britt, you are the best. We LOVE you so much.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
We took the animals to the Zoo
A car
First Week of June
Monday, June 9, 2008
Sunscreen or Snow suit
Friday, June 6, 2008
In all I think 1 learned 2 valuable lessens:
1. shoes need to be fastened more rain boats except to play in the rain
2. I can not go shopping by myself right now
I can't wait until she is 2 and can go in play land. I think I am going to go to Fred Meyer on her birthday put her in play land for the 1 hour allowed and go back in the comforter section and just sit down and do nothing! Wouldn't that be lovely? Well I gotta go she is sitting on the couch laying on my heating pad...I promise I don't sit like that all day long! Well it is almost time for me to work out so I better get ready.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. I was at Snow College
2. I drove a bright green Geo Metro
3. watched Friends religiously
4. learned to crochet like a crazy lady
5. went to sock hops every weekend
5 things on my to do list:
1. Clean out my house
2. Pull weeds
3. paint my living room and kitchen, hall and finish Alexis's room
4. get pregnant
5. take a nap
favorite snacks/food:
1. brownies
2. ice cream
3. mexican food
4. mint m&m's
5. chips and dip
5 Things I would do if I was a billionaire:
1. Buy a big house
2. Pay off our bills
3. throw a big huge party at me new house
4. Buy a whole new closet full of cloths
5. buy all new furniture
5 bad habits:
1. taking naps
2. complaining
3. not calling people back
4. cleaning my floors multiple times a day
5. being crabby to Britt
5 places I have lived:
1. Olympia, WA
2. Ephriam, UT
3. Magna, UT
4. Lake Tapps, WA
5. Bonney Lake, WA
5 people I tag:
1. Kate Dahle
2. Emma Beck
3. Cassie Jensen
4. Stephaine Peck
5. Erin Horn
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Wall!
Bare bum alert!
So I get the wipes and went to change her and she was bone dry. I told her she didn't need a diaper change and went back to checking my email. I looked up just one minute latter when I heared velcro and she was running away with a bare bum. She went around the kitchen and came back with out a shirt on. Warning bare bum alert.
So I put panties on her and brought her potty out into the living room, because there is no way she would run to the bathroom yet. She has been pulling them down and sitting on the potty every few minutes. So maybe if we ever get some sun we could work on this outside. Who knows, maybe we could be diaper free before the year is over....trying to be realistic about potty training a almost 2 year old, even though it is a exciting thought. The only thing is I am going to have to find a way to get over the public toilet thing, the thought of her touching one makes me want to throw up. so anyways as accomplishments go 15 minutes of being dry without a diaper and before she freed her checks it had been 1 hour since I changed her. She also has to take the panties all the way off to sit down and then puts them back on.
Monday, June 2, 2008
He's back
Escape (said like Dory on finding Nemo)
I woke up this morning to this opening next to our AC. Jinx has tried on a few occasions to get this open and hasn't been successful until now. I have know idea where he is or how long he has been out. It is kind of scary because he doesn't have his back claws and with all the construction they have been doing there have been bear sightings. We also have cougars and coyotes, raccoons too. Hopefully he is ok, but this is the farthest her has ever wonder from home, usually he is just on the other side of the fence. I am really bummed. He was in the house when Britt left at 2:40, so he could have been out there for hours.